Phoenix Freeze Dried Candies and Snacks Logo

Welcome To
Phoenix Freeze Dried
Candies and Snacks!

Our Story:  We didn’t mean to start a Freeze Dried business. Our first Freeze Dryer was purchased to grow our long-term food storage and short-term food and snack options for a family of pilots. But my son begged to try a candy run, exclaiming that freeze dried candy was the latest, greatest thing. The results did not disappoint.

The results were What we experienced was a complete transformation providing unique textures and an amazing pop of intensified flavors.

“We Want More!”

Friends and colleagues at our local airport fell in love with the delightfully transformed candies with unique textures and an amazing pop of intensified flavors. My son kept showing up from work with all sorts of candy to freeze dry. The problem is, not all candy will freeze dry well. So the research began on what would freeze dry and how best to do it.

The Game Changer: Unique Flavor Combos

Then came the question, “Can we make our own candy creations to freeze dry?” After multiple batches of several types and flavors of homemade candies, and lots of taste-testing by the folks at the airport (with no complaints from anyone), we narrowed the field of our “F.O.D.” from over 40 flavors to the top 25. (F.O.D. is keeping with our aviation theme. F.O.D. stands for “Foreign Object Debris”.) All of our new flavor creations have become some of our most popular offerings.

The Variety Keeps Growing

We started “Phoenix Freeze Dried” with the intent to provide some tasty, interesting snacks at our local airport. We quickly realized we needed to expand our snack options (and we are still growing), adding a variety of freeze dried fruits and vegetables, assorted nuts, trail mixes, and fresh baked goods.

Delicious News Travels Fast

Our products quickly satisfied the bellies of our pilots and patrons at the airport and word has spread through friends and family to an ever-growing list of happy customers.

We hope you become one of our many happy customers.

You can follow us on Facebook to keep up with stocked flavors, new offerings, and specials:

NOTE: Alabama Cottage Food can only be picked up, delivered, or shipped within the State of Alabama. But once purchased, you can take your goodies anywhere your heart desires.

Food products may contain allergens.
Cottage Food products are not inspected by the Health Department.